Animals | Wood ANIMALS Climbing up and climbing down.
BALLERINA A study in flexibility.
GIRAFFES Reaching for sustenance, one down towards water, the other towards leaves.
INTERDEPENDENCE In the intricacies of dance, balance and other moves the dancers often rely upon each other.
PILATES Climbing down a ball is one of the complicated moves in this form of exercise.
TAI CHI The white version of Tai Chi clearly shows the delicacy, grace, and shadows of the movement of this traditional Chinese exercise.
KING DAVID AND HIS HARP King David and his harp were one. He didn’t even need his crown when he was playing.
SOLO The grain in the wood follows the shapes of the abstract dancer.
STREET URCHIN A little beggar boy, a street urchin in bare feet, his scruffy pants tied with a string, doing incredible acrobatic stunts, was something I commonly saw in the streets in China when I lived there.
ISADORA Inspired by Isadora Duncan’s dance. Watching a dancer, one doesn’t see the figure all the time, one sees the movement. Here I portrayed the face, the toe, and all the motion around.
SHALL WE DANCE The flowing and soft figure dancing with the partner with sharp edges and straight shapes shows who is the man and who is the woman.